Whenever you are hiring keep these things in mind and you will have a strong candidate in your team.
Follow these Tips :
HAVE A CLEAR JOB DESCRIPTION - No body will know what work you are offering them if your job description is not clear enough, it's quite simple but simple is not always easy :-) .
PLAN YOUR RECRUITMENT STRATEGY - You can just go to LinkedIn and just start looking for employees but, that strategy will not work always so, you need someone to do it for you, you just hiring other staff for recruitment or just Contact Us & we will do it for you.
PRESCREEN YOUR CANDIDATES - before you call them just have a casual call with them to see what they are upto right now & then when you know a little bit about them, consider them for your company.
ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS - This is the place where your clear Job Description comes in place, don't ask them what you know, ask them what they should know according to the Job Description. This is simple but, not easy for everyone.
CHECK THEIR BACKGROUND - check their background where they have worked earlier or what kind of responsibilities they handled and if necessary you can even call their previous employers to know more about the candidate.